The Amnion - an inner santuary that the womb encompasses; a thin membrane that suspends the embryo in amionotic fluid. The structure is thin but tough. It is resilient but fragile.
My collection, From Void: The Beginning explores the prenatal environment and seeks to communicate the intimacy of being inside a womb.


amiotic fluid - seen underneath a microscope, the fluid goes through a process called
cervical mucus forms fern‑like patterns due to crystallization and sodium chloride on mucus fibers. no other bodily fluid is capable of this transformation.
techniques used to mimic the textures and ferning patterns:
- hand marbling on silk
- machine‑stitched & hand‑stitched feathers
- silk chaffon backed with organza
- lace netting layered over mesh
- heat gun melted poly organza
- sandpaper distressed silk chiffon
- dyed fabrics